Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sloane Street Starbucks

I headed to Starbucks for class this morning and had my mouth set on a cinnamon dolce latte. Before I ordered my drink I spotted some goodies in the glass case. I think it is impossible for me to walk into Starbucks, order a drink and leave. I can't help myself but to drool over the glass case goodies. Today the treats that I was eying were different than the usual pastries or chocolate cake. The special treats staring my way today were veggie sticks with dip and large juicy fruit cups. It is quite interesting that each Starbucks that I visit has a different selection of tasty offerings. Some shops seem focused on sweet treats while others are more on the healthy side such as this one. It may depend on the neighborhood in which the shop is located. The shop today was in a rather ritzy neighborhood and was also the location that had all the postings about yoga and other health related postings that I shared last week. The photos that I provided yesterday of the yummy treats were taken at a Starbucks located in a more touristy area. It might be that the Starbucks I visited yesterday offers more sweets because that is what tourists are more drawn to. The Sloane Street Starbucks is in a residential area and therefore caters to a more health conscious audience. After I finished gazing at the infamous glass case, I ordered my grande skinny cinnamon dolce latte. Much to my dismay, the barista informed me that this Starbucks did not carry that flavor. I was very disappointed that I would not be enjoying the drink that I had been craving, but I decided to order a skinny hazelnut latte instead. I must say that the hazelnut was delicious, but it was no cinnamon dolce. Upon finishing my drink it was inevitable that I would have to use the "lou". I was also interested to see what a Starbucks bathroom would look like in London, because the ones in the States are quite nice. I was shocked at what I saw as soon as I entered the restroom. I would have to describe the space as a jail cell made for a four-year-old. The sink was miniature and very close to the ground and the hand dryer was about two feet lower than I would have liked. The was were tiled to chair rail level with old red tiles from the 60s. It was quite apparent that this bathroom was far different than any I have seen at home. I am thinking that maybe this bathroom was already in the space when Starbucks moved into the location and the company decided to keep it as it. I must say the bathroom was functional, but quite awkward to use. It was an interesting trip to Starbucks today, but still a wonderful one for sure. :)


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