Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Java Bean Coffee

This morning at the start of my journey I stopped at a coffee shop right off the Tube at Gloucester Road. The coffee shop was called Java Bean. The shop was super cute and very welcoming. Even though the shop was located in a mall-like structure there were bistro tables set up outside the coffee shop. The video that I took will show you what the shop looks like and I think you will enjoy seeing the delicious pastries. Today I chose to order a small skim latte. I had yet to have a latte in London so I decided that today would be the day. As I waited for my drink I began to dream about the lattes from Bread Co. (Panera) and Starbucks. Because these are the lattes I have most often and thoroughly enjoy, I was nervous that Java Bean may not live up to my expectations. When I took the first sip I knew immediately that this was like no latte I had ever had. It took me a while to determine what exactly it was that was different about the drink. The consistency of the coffee was so fluffy and silky like nothing I had ever tasted. It was almost as if there were ribbons of marshmallow cream running through the coffee. Needless to say, this latte definitely lived up to my expectations and I am even craving another. This coffee shop, unlike Costa yesterday, did have collars for the cup. I was happy to have a heat protector on the cup because I was drinking my coffee on the fly and therefore had to hold it. Another aspect of the coffee shop that I enjoyed was the original wallpaper hanging on the wall. Java Bean chose to use coffee bean sacks to hang on the walls. It was such a simple easy thing to do, but it really gave the shop some charm. I wish I could share the wonderful products of Java Bean with you all, but since I cannot how about I enjoy the shop for everyone? :) Have a great one!


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