Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Beginning of the Journey

London is just days away and I can already smell the wonderful aroma from the various Starbucks shops in London. As I await my departure, I am dreaming about what coffee will be like in the UK. Will it taste the same? Will it be stronger than in the States? Most importantly, will Starbucks offer nonfat milk to top off my daily caffeine jolt? I will soon know the answers to these very crucial questions and I cannot wait to share them. During my three-week journey I plan to visit as many Starbucks shops as I can to get the full experience of an overseas Starbucks. In addition to visiting Starbucks, I will venture to local coffee shops to discover how the Brits run a coffee cafe. I am intrigued by the thought of a coffee shop amongst all the tea drinkers and it will be interesting to compare and contrast the UK coffee shops with that of the U.S. shops. I anticipate that the number of locally run coffee shops will be substantially less in London than what is typical in the States, but I may be pleasantly surprised. :) As I go about my journey, I will be snapping photos and taking video of my findings. I am planning to post some interviews with people about Starbucks and coffee in general in "the world of tea". I hope that you all are as excited about this journey as I am and want you to check back in a few short days to begin this adventure.

Bye for now,

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