Monday, June 14, 2010

The Basement

This morning my journey to Starbucks consisted of two separate trips. I went to the one next to my flat and then proceeded to the shop by Dr. Barb's flat. The shop nearest me has a staircase in the middle that I hadn't explored until today. My mission for the morning was to determine what the wide wooden staircase led to. I took a video of this exploration so that you could all join in the journey. As you can see, the stairs led to a very large basement loaded with plush seating and bistro tables. I have yet to discover a Starbucks in the states with such ornate accommodations. Unfortunately, my excitement about this newly found territory was short lived. My plan for the morning was to use my Starbucks card to access the provided wifi, but was unable to do so in the basement. I decided that this technology glitch was the result of being underground so I headed to the main level. With my over-sized mug in hand, I hauled my computer upstairs with the intentions of posting the video of the basement. To my dismay, the lack of internet was not because of the basement, but rather a "picnic"(problem in chair not in computer-my fault!) or the server was down. Whatever the case, I was not able to access the internet this morning. In addition the the basement tour, I also am sharing a photo that I took at the second Starbucks. This is a photo of the community board of the local offerings of Kensington. I found the information on this board to be relatively similar to what is posted in the U.S. Notice the focus on this board about health and pets. I have noticed that all the locals are in great shape and there are lots of runners on the sidewalks. Dogs are also very popular here as you read in an earlier post about people bringing dogs into Starbucks. Just a fun side note. :) Check back tomorrow!


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