Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Glass Box and Going a Little Retro

I had the pleasure of visiting two Starbucks shops today and each was unique. I journeyed to a new part of London this morning, a swanky area off of High Holborn Street. I was in desperate need of my Starbucks jolt and was confident that I was only steps away from a shop. After a short walk down the street I saw a very tall glass building with a beautiful glowing Starbucks sign in the window, I had arrived. I was floored when I stepped inside the shop and saw just how grand it was. Situated next to a rather upscale business, this Starbucks held the same level of class. The entire left wall of the shop was glass allowing a full view into the business next door. This shop was about three stories high, but was only one level. With the large vaulted ceilings, this shop seemed to go on for miles. One downside to the high ceilings was the echoing. While I was ordering my drink a child dropped a plate on the floor and the sound of the ceramic hitting the floor was ear piercing as it echoed around the shop. This morning I made a selection that I have yet to see in the States, a Cafe Creme Frappuccino. This drink is made of frozen blended coffee with espresso whipped cream on top. I have been seeing ads for this drink for the last two weeks and decided I should probably test it out. You can see my reaction and thoughts about the drink in the video below.

This Frappuccino was really delicious and quite refreshing. I am not typically much of a whipped cream fan, but the espresso flavor really made a difference. I would order this drink again for sure and I am hopeful that it will come to the States if it is not already.


My second trip to Starbucks today was a shop that was displaying the old brand. This shop still displayed the brown colors and the more revealing siren logo. This logo was the initial logo that was used when Starbucks began in 1971. When it was brought back in 2006 and 2008, people complained that the siren was too revealing. The branding of Starbucks has since returned to the green as opposed to the brown and a siren with more clothing. Because the brown revealing siren has been phased out, I was shocked to find a shop still displaying it. The outside of this Starbucks was not the only thing that stood out to me as being a bit different. The decor on the inside of the shop was very trendy and fashionable. Everything from the lighting to the bar stools was high end and stylish. This shop definitely caters to a more posh crowd. Another difference between this shop and the glass one is that this shop was quite dark while the glass one was naturally well-lit. I think this shop was darker because of the browns and oranges used in the decorating. The darkness gave off the vibe that this was meant to be an expensive place and also quiet and relaxing. It truly amazed me at how different two shops of the same store could be.


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