Wednesday, July 7, 2010

So the Stores are a Bit Different, but What About the Websites?

Now back in the States, I have been able to reflect upon all the observations I made at the various Starbucks shops in London. I'd like to first start by saying, I was impressed and blown away by the consistency in each shop, especially because of the large number of shops in the city. I really did enjoy my daily trips to Starbucks, both getting my drink and observing the goings on in each shop. With the shops aside for a bit, I'd like to now look at the Starbucks website for the U.S. and the UK. I briefly scanned each site before I left on my journey to get a glimpse of what I was about to dive in to. I noticed from the get go that there were substantial differences on each site. I knew that I wanted to explore the shops before getting too in depth about the sites, but now the time has come to explore the differences on the web. I would like to first provide a screen shot of the U.S. Starbucks site as well as the UK Starbucks site. It will be quite obvious just by looking that there are differences from one site to the next.

United States Site:

United Kingdom Site:

As you can see these sites are quite different from each other. In fact, the background color and logo are basically the only similarities between the two. My initial thought when comparing the two websites is that the design was based on the cultures of each country. It appears that the U.S. site is trying to hold true to the American idea that "more is better". On the home page of the U.S. site are videos, links to Twitter and Facebook and a variety of other links leading to the menu and the Starbucks Card. Before I looked at the UK page, the U.S. page did not seem like anything out of the ordinary. Being a citizen of the U.S. I find loaded web pages to be the norm and I would find anything less to be a bit odd. After living in London for three weeks and soaking up a bit of the culture, I now have a new outlook on the U.S. page and also why the UK page looks the way it does. I found the culture in London, while fast paced, to be a bit more reserved and refined than that of the U.S. In addition to the differences in people, the method of advertising was also a bit different. With the majority of Londoners utilizing the mass transit system, people have time to read during commutes to work and elsewhere. I found the advertisements to have more copy, some with video and all were eye-catching. While this project was not about studying London advertising, I do think this information is helpful to understand why the UK Starbucks website is the way that it is. It only makes sense that people spend more time reading and looking at "adverts" in the underground and buses than online. It would make sense for Starbucks to channel its time and money into ads off the web to grab attention of commuters. Advertisements are not the only information on websites however, and the rest of the online content is the next level of information that I would like to explore. Both sites include menus, which showcase the main function of the Starbucks organization. Through my visits to different Starbucks locations in the UK and being a long-time patron to Starbucks in the U.S., I did notice some very different menu options in the UK. These differences that I have mentioned in the weeks prior, are also shown on the websites. The items on the menu are not the only differences, the layout of the online menus are quite different as well. On the U.S. site there are several ways to reach the menu and multiple ways to view it. It comes as no surprise to me that on the UK site there is one method of both getting to and viewing the menu. These differences again go right back to the cultural differences of the countries. I definitely do not want to sound like I am stating that one site is better than the other. I find it interesting and fascinating that the cultural identities have been considered in everything right down to the website layout. It is quite clear, with over 150 locations, that Starbucks is thriving in London. I think that part of the company's success can be attributed to the fact it has been so careful to respect the culture in which it entered. Like I mentioned before, I was so impressed by the uniformity of good service that I experienced at all shops. While the character and clientele may have varied from shop to shop, I was always certain that I was going to have a good experience. I think that Starbucks is definitely an example of a company that has successfully gone global.


Friday, July 2, 2010

I Saved the Best for Last

As I told you earlier, I managed to save the best Starbucks for last. It all started about two weeks ago when my roommate, Michelle, came home and told me she had found the most amazing Starbucks near the River Thames. She shared a photo of it with me and from that point on I could not wait to pay it a visit. I ran by the shop briefly on Monday, but did not actually have enough time to go in. Today however, I made a special run on the Tube just to go to Starbucks. I'm sure you all are thinking, how exciting could a Starbucks possibly be, but this shop is in fact special. Everything from the location to the building itself is far different from any other Starbucks in London or the U.S. for that matter. This little gem is tucked away in the middle of some docks and surrounded by beautiful boats. Walking up to the shop it looks like it is on an island. There is a darling little bridge that leads up to the shop and a nice spread of tables and chairs outside. The building itself if the best part of all. As you can see from the photos, the shop is quite small, round and looks like a small Jefferson Memorial. I could not believe my eyes when I saw this darling little shop. I was eager to see the inside so I hurried in to check it out. It was the middle of the warm afternoon and I was in need of water and a snack. As I approached the counter I began to scan the glass case. I instantly locked my eyes on the Victoria Sponge Cupcake and knew that I must try it. As I waited for my turn to order I took a little video of the first floor of the monument. I hope this video will give you a little taste of what this shop is like.

After getting my water and cupcake, I headed up the spiral staircase to explore the upst
airs. I found a table with a gorgeous view of the water and all the boats and sat down to enjoy my treat. I would like to share with you my initial thoughts on the cupcake that I purchased. Notice all the windows in the background and just imagine looking out the windows over the beautiful water. Here is just a taste of the cupcake:

I think it is quite obvious from my video that I loved the cupcake. The cupcake was not the only good part about this Starbucks quest. I have learned so much and really become aware of the differences and changes that were made to make Starbucks such a success in the UK. This process has been loads of fun and really allowed me to visit a variety of areas and get a feel for each one. I really liked how each shop resembled the area in which it was located. Even if I was just making a brief stop in an area to grab a coffee, I knew that I could tell a bit about the area based on the decor and offerings of Starbucks. I have many more photos and videos that I will be sifting through during the next week. I hope you will check back during that period to see everything that I have to share. Once I have put my final report of information together, I'll will be sure to share that as well. I hope you all have enjoyed this journey as much as I have. If I had to pick one thing from this experience that I learned it would be to study what you love because it will be so enjoyable and you will learn far more about it. Talk to you all soon. :)


One Last Hurrah

Today was a sad day knowing that my Starbucks journey was coming to an end. I know that I will still frequent the shops back home, but it simply will not be the same. To make sure that I made the most of my last day of “Starbucksing” I visited two shops and took a variety of photos and videos. I definitely saved my visit to my very favorite London Starbucks for today. I will get to the info on this cool shop later, but first I must share other things. My first stop this morning was to a Starbucks located across the street from Victoria Station. I walk by this shop nearly every day and had yet to pay a visit. I decided that this morning, on my way to Buckingham Palace, I would journey into the Victoria Starbucks. This shop was a bit larger than many of the galley style shops that I have visited. I liked the layout of the shop because there was adequate seating both inside and outside of the shop. Being located near the busy Victoria Station, it makes sense that this shop can provide for a large number of people. As I prepared to order my drink, I spotted a treat that I am sure is only available here in the UK. In the glass case I saw a yellow cupcake called “Victoria Sponge Cupcake”. I am quite sure this treat is titled after the much-loved queen Victoria. I thought that it was such a cute idea to name a Starbucks treat after a queen, but I was bummed because I didn’t think that I would be able to try it. After taking a picture of it, I proceeded to order my drink, also one I have never seen before, an Espresso Frappuccino Light. My friends Katie and Michelle were also on my journey today so while I waited for my drink I decided to talk to Michelle about how she liked her drink.

As you can see, the Cafe Creme Frappuccino was a hit with Michelle as well. I made sure that after I enjoyed this delicious drink earlier in the week that I shared my experience with my friends. It appears that I won't be the only one requesting this Frappuccino back in the States. After I had finished talking to Michelle, my drink was ready to be enjoyed. I quickly collected my Frappuccino and headed outside to record my thoughts about the drink. I went ahead and had the barista hold the cream today, one day of that was a bit more than I can handle.

I was quite pleased with my drink choice today. I was glad that this Starbucks offered a lighter Frappuccino option. In the States very recently Starbucks launched the "Customizable Frappuccino" option. This option allows the customer the ability to select the kind of milk, amount of coffee and even how long the drink is blended. While I have to admit I am bummed that the UK does not yet offer this option, I was happy to see that the Espresso Frapp. came in "light". Another thing that I noticed about the Frappuccinos offered in London are that many of the U.S. flavors are not offered and different flavors are sold instead. Vanilla Bean and Java Chip are two flavors that I have not been able to locate at any of the Starbucks shops. Two Frappuccinos that are offered in London but not in the States are drinks with blackcurrants and passion fruit. Flavoring food and drinks with food seems to be a rather popular task here in London, so these flavors do not come as a total surprise to me.

Check back later for the rest of today's Starbucks journeys...


The Famous Gold Card

Thursday morning began like any other day with a trip to Starbucks. The store of choice on this fine day was situated on Tottenham Court Road. The inside of the shop was rather generic and could have been any Starbucks in the U.S. There was however, something very different about my experience at the Tottenham shop. Being a Starbucks rewards member, I have a Starbucks Gold Card to use for purchasing my drinks. I have been using this card in London since the day I arrived and it was never a big deal. In the last week, a few baristas have made comments about it being a U.S. card. I didn't realize that London had different rewards cards and never thought much about the baristas inquiries about it being a foreign card. The questioning about my Gold Card at this particular store was far greater than any before. The cashier was so fascinated by my card and could not stop looking at it. After he looked at it a while and said how cool the U.S. card was he finally returned it to me. Just as I was putting my card in my wallet, the barista asked to see it again. He called his co-worker over and decided to share with him what he thought to be the coolest things. I became quite embarrassed because the workers and other customers were all looking at me like. I am glad that the baristas were so impressed by my card, but I got the feeling from everyone around me that people were thinking, oh geeze who does this American think she is? I couldn't wait for my drink to be ready and leave the store. My drink was quite delicious but I left feeling utterly embarrassed. I must admit, I think it is an absolutely wonderful service that Starbucks allows its cards to be used around the world, but maybe it would be a good idea to make the cards uniform. In the previous inquiries about the card, most of the baristas had to ask what kind of card I was using. It would save a bit of time not having to explain that the gold card is from Starbucks and also the embarrassment of when the barista is super fascinated by it. My card has proven to be very useful throughout my journey, but it has also caused a few bumps.

Be back later.


Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Glass Box and Going a Little Retro

I had the pleasure of visiting two Starbucks shops today and each was unique. I journeyed to a new part of London this morning, a swanky area off of High Holborn Street. I was in desperate need of my Starbucks jolt and was confident that I was only steps away from a shop. After a short walk down the street I saw a very tall glass building with a beautiful glowing Starbucks sign in the window, I had arrived. I was floored when I stepped inside the shop and saw just how grand it was. Situated next to a rather upscale business, this Starbucks held the same level of class. The entire left wall of the shop was glass allowing a full view into the business next door. This shop was about three stories high, but was only one level. With the large vaulted ceilings, this shop seemed to go on for miles. One downside to the high ceilings was the echoing. While I was ordering my drink a child dropped a plate on the floor and the sound of the ceramic hitting the floor was ear piercing as it echoed around the shop. This morning I made a selection that I have yet to see in the States, a Cafe Creme Frappuccino. This drink is made of frozen blended coffee with espresso whipped cream on top. I have been seeing ads for this drink for the last two weeks and decided I should probably test it out. You can see my reaction and thoughts about the drink in the video below.

This Frappuccino was really delicious and quite refreshing. I am not typically much of a whipped cream fan, but the espresso flavor really made a difference. I would order this drink again for sure and I am hopeful that it will come to the States if it is not already.


My second trip to Starbucks today was a shop that was displaying the old brand. This shop still displayed the brown colors and the more revealing siren logo. This logo was the initial logo that was used when Starbucks began in 1971. When it was brought back in 2006 and 2008, people complained that the siren was too revealing. The branding of Starbucks has since returned to the green as opposed to the brown and a siren with more clothing. Because the brown revealing siren has been phased out, I was shocked to find a shop still displaying it. The outside of this Starbucks was not the only thing that stood out to me as being a bit different. The decor on the inside of the shop was very trendy and fashionable. Everything from the lighting to the bar stools was high end and stylish. This shop definitely caters to a more posh crowd. Another difference between this shop and the glass one is that this shop was quite dark while the glass one was naturally well-lit. I think this shop was darker because of the browns and oranges used in the decorating. The darkness gave off the vibe that this was meant to be an expensive place and also quiet and relaxing. It truly amazed me at how different two shops of the same store could be.


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Three Stories of Beauty

As I headed to Oxford Street this morning, I knew that I would find a magnificent Starbucks. Oxford is a very high-end designer shopping district so I expected to find a Starbucks to match the level and class of the stores. When I started my journey down the street I could not see a coffee shop in sight. I was nervous at first, but I figured it wouldn't be long before I spotted one. All of the sudden I saw the sparkling green gem twinkling in the sky and I knew I had reached Starbucks. When I reached the entrance I noticed a sign outside the door stating that this shop has a new look. I couldn't wait to find out what this Starbucks looked like, but I figured that it would be fancy. I was shocked when I entered the shop and realized that it consisted of three levels. Not only was this Starbucks tall, but it was deep as well. It was quite obvious that this particular shop houses many customers for meetings. To order my drink I had to walk all the way to the back of the shop as the front was used for seating. With the coffee bar in the back, this Starbucks was set up differently than most shops I have visited. I do not think that having the bar in the back makes this shop conducive to in and out customers, but this shop does seem to cater to those wanting to stay a while. I really did like the atmosphere that this Starbucks presented because it seemed very welcoming and inviting. I wish more shops in the States would be set up in a similar fashion to allow customers the ability to stay a while. Another nice feature of the three floors is that it allows for quiet study or work. The top and bottom floors were both quiet and the hustle and bustle of the main floor could not be heard. I have shared a video here for you to see just how cool this Starbucks was. I'll definitely be noting this as something I would like to see implemented in the States.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Key Observations

Hello, hello!

I had a great weekend here in London and was able to spend some time sitting in Starbucks observing the locals. Some things that I was looking for were the ratio of men to women, the number of orders for tea opposed to coffee and how many people purchased items in addition to a drink. After sitting in Starbucks for an hour and enjoying my delicious breakfast, I had compiled a number of key observations that will allow me to draw some conclusions. During the hour that I sat in Starbucks, 20 people came in and ordered a drink. Out of these 20, 13 were women and only seven were men. I must say, I expected to find more men in Starbucks. This may just be my perception, but I always picture men as big coffee drinkers and women liking tea more. From my small observation, my theory does not seem to hold true. Another reason I expected to see more men at Starbucks was because London is such a large business district. Even though women are now in the business world, it is still heavily dominated by men. I should know by now, after living in diverse London for two weeks, that the traditional gender stereotypes that I know in the U.S. don't hold true here in London. I was astounded by the fact that out of the twenty people that ordered drinks not one person ordered tea. Being here in England, where tea is so popular, I anticipated that a number of people would order tea from Starbucks. I quite like tea from Starbucks, but maybe the tea isn't authentic enough for these Brits. Here in London, the Starbucks shops offer a plethora of sandwiches and treats as you have seen from my photos. With a selection of over ten sandwiches, I was interested to see how many people actually purchased the savory treats. During my one hour observation, four out of the 20 people bought a sandwich. While this may not seem like a large number on the surface, I need to tell you all that it was only 9 am. I have no doubt that if this many people purchased a sandwich prior to lunch that a greater number would indulge in one around lunch time. In addition to the aforementioned observations, I also noted that very few customers ordered plain "filtered coffee". Most customers at Starbucks on this fine Sunday morning ordered Frappuccinos or some type of flavored latte. I have noticed that other coffee shops that I have visited, Cafe Nero and Costa, do not offer many flavored drinks. I think that Starbucks has found its niche here in London by serving flavored coffees and I think that is what will allow Starbucks to remain quite popular. Talk to you tomorrow.


Friday, June 25, 2010

Starbucks and Cafe Rouge

With another early class this morning my Starbucks venture was delayed a bit. When I did finally arrive at Starbucks, I was craving a cappuccino. After I ordered my drink I looked around to see what all the shop was selling. I noticed some lolly pops in the clear bins in front of the register. I thought that selling suckers at Starbucks was quite an odd thing to do, but no one asked me so oh well. :) As you can see in the picture to the right, these lolly pops seem to be a bit out of place. The rest of the items being sold are mints and chocolate, the usual, but the suckers on the other hand are simply weird. I noticed another item at this Starbucks that seemed a bit odd to me as well. This item was not for sale and was actually a sign hanging on the wall. The sign was all about safety and protecting items from being stolen. I think it is interesting how much stealing is openly talked about here and at Starbucks nonetheless. It is a bit nerve racking to know that pickpocketing is such an issue that even Starbucks has to make a statement about it. When my drink was finally ready I could not wait to taste it. Because it was a cappuccino, the first sip was quite foamy. As I continued to enjoy my coffee I began to taste the full cappuccino. The coffee flavor was super strong and it was very hot. I have been sick for the last two days and this nice hot drink made me feel better for a short while. This evening, after walking around the city, it was time for coffee round two. For this coffee trip I headed to a darling little french restaurant called Cafe Rouge. I was in the mood for a cappuccino again and thought it would be nice to compare it to that of the Starbucks version earlier in the day. When my drink arrived, it was in a very large ceramic mug and topped cinnamon dusted foam. This cappuccino was extremely hot like my Starbucks one, but almost impossible to hold because of the mug it was in. I found myself having to wait for the coffee to cool a bit before I could hold the mug. Once I could successfully drink my coffee, I realized how delicious the cinnamon topping was. The spice added a little something extra to my cappuccino and made it that much more delicious. The coffee flavor was not nearly as strong as the Starbucks cappuccino, but it was still quite yummy. More coffee to come on Monday. :)


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Cafe Nero

This morning I was desperately in need of coffee after a late night, but unfortunately Starbucks was nowhere to be found. When I exited the underground on my way to Westminster Abbey, I spotted a Cafe Nero and decided that this would be the outlet of my morning coffee. I had planned to go to this shop eventually because it is a major Starbucks competitor so this morning was the perfect time to test it out. When I walked into the shop it was quite apparent it was not intended for customers to stay and drink their coffee. This coffee shop was made strictly for "take away" service. Inside the tiny hole in the wall shop were sandwiches, cakes, frozen drinks and lots of other goodies offered for take away. Because it was a warm morning I was not exactly wanting a warm drink. I chose to order a cafe latte over ice and that way get the best of both worlds with the coffee and cold drink. I have provided a video of my initial thoughts of the drink.

While I did enjoy my cold beverage this morning, it definitely was not Starbucks. In my opinion, Starbucks does not need to worry about Cafe Nero becoming more popular because I was not very impressed with the drink. The iced latte lacked enough of one of the ingredients, ice. The small amount of ice was a let down in and of itself but was more disappointing about this drink was the very little coffee flavor. I don't plan on going to Cafe Nero again and my loyalty will remain with Starbucks. :)


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Hot Chocolate with a Twist

I was unfortunately unable to begin my day with my daily dose of Starbucks. I had to meet for class early and did not have time to stop for coffee. By the end of class I was desperate for caffeine and headed to the closest Starbucks. I found a darling little shop right off of the Notting Hill Gate Underground station. I headed in for my coffee immediately after spotting the shop. As I gazed over the menu deciding what to have something sparked my attention, hazelnut hot chocolate. As tempting as this sounded I knew that I needed caffeine. I decided to get a bit fancy on the barista today and dress up the hot chocolate. I ordered a grande skinny hazelnut hot chocolate with a double shot of espresso. I was quite excited about this concoction because I got the best of both worlds with the hot cocoa and the caffeine. I couldn't wait to get my drink and test out my creation. I have provided a video of me taking my first sip that I think you will find informative.

Okay, it is quite obvious from the video that I liked this "fancy" hot chocolate. The way the coffee flavor came through into the chocolate was outstanding. It was almost as if the drink was made with dark chocolate because of the coffee addition. I must say I highly recommend this drink to all coffee/chocaholics out there, you won't be disappointed.

I also decide that today would be the day to break down the barrier of the glass case holding all the magnificent pastries. My friend Katie and I each selected our favorite item from the case and planned to split them at a picnic later in the day. I chose the skinny blueberry muffin and she selected the chocolate fudge brownie. I was excited about each selection and could not wait to test them out.

Later at the picnic...

We split the blueberry muffin during our picnic today at Regent's park. You can watch the videos of our responses to the muffin, but let me first say that it was delicious and I'll probably have to have another.

After a long day of shopping...

Returning to the flat this afternoon, Katie and I were both in need of a chocolate treat. Thanks to our Starbucks trip this morning we had a chocolate brownie waiting to be eaten. The appearance of the brownie was generic at best, a flaky top and a crumbly center. The flavor of the brownie was what made it stand apart from others. The richness of the chocolate paired with the perfect balance of crispness and fudge-like consistency made this brownie one of a kind. I have seen brownies at Starbucks stores in the States before, but none quite like this. Here in England the chocolate is richer, smoother and far more creamier. Most of the chocolate is Belgian and that seems to make a difference. I will without a doubt indulge in another Starbucks brownie before heading back to the U.S.


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sloane Street Starbucks

I headed to Starbucks for class this morning and had my mouth set on a cinnamon dolce latte. Before I ordered my drink I spotted some goodies in the glass case. I think it is impossible for me to walk into Starbucks, order a drink and leave. I can't help myself but to drool over the glass case goodies. Today the treats that I was eying were different than the usual pastries or chocolate cake. The special treats staring my way today were veggie sticks with dip and large juicy fruit cups. It is quite interesting that each Starbucks that I visit has a different selection of tasty offerings. Some shops seem focused on sweet treats while others are more on the healthy side such as this one. It may depend on the neighborhood in which the shop is located. The shop today was in a rather ritzy neighborhood and was also the location that had all the postings about yoga and other health related postings that I shared last week. The photos that I provided yesterday of the yummy treats were taken at a Starbucks located in a more touristy area. It might be that the Starbucks I visited yesterday offers more sweets because that is what tourists are more drawn to. The Sloane Street Starbucks is in a residential area and therefore caters to a more health conscious audience. After I finished gazing at the infamous glass case, I ordered my grande skinny cinnamon dolce latte. Much to my dismay, the barista informed me that this Starbucks did not carry that flavor. I was very disappointed that I would not be enjoying the drink that I had been craving, but I decided to order a skinny hazelnut latte instead. I must say that the hazelnut was delicious, but it was no cinnamon dolce. Upon finishing my drink it was inevitable that I would have to use the "lou". I was also interested to see what a Starbucks bathroom would look like in London, because the ones in the States are quite nice. I was shocked at what I saw as soon as I entered the restroom. I would have to describe the space as a jail cell made for a four-year-old. The sink was miniature and very close to the ground and the hand dryer was about two feet lower than I would have liked. The was were tiled to chair rail level with old red tiles from the 60s. It was quite apparent that this bathroom was far different than any I have seen at home. I am thinking that maybe this bathroom was already in the space when Starbucks moved into the location and the company decided to keep it as it. I must say the bathroom was functional, but quite awkward to use. It was an interesting trip to Starbucks today, but still a wonderful one for sure. :)


Monday, June 21, 2010

Double Decker Starbucks

On my way to Harrod's today I walked past this Starbucks and thought it was quite interesting. The doors to the street were wide open and lots of people were walking in and out. The best part about it however, was the fact that after getting a drink or pastry, the customer can walk upstairs for seating. I took a picture of the shop and hope you all enjoy it as much as I did. :)


Picadilly Circus

I headed back to Picadilly Circus today after an unimpressive visit yesterday. I decided I would give the circus a go again and hope that today would be better. I knew that I stop to Starbucks would make everything okay, so today's Starbucks adventure was at Picadilly Circus. This Starbucks appeared quite similar to other stores that I have visited, however the contents of this shop were far more desirable. Fluffy cupcakes, moist carrot cake and luscious chocolate cake are just of few of the scrumptious treats offered at Starbucks Picadilly. Unfortunately, I had already eaten breakfast and was not yet hungry for lunch so I had to pass up these tasty treats. Hopefully I'll be able to head back to this Starbucks eventually to sink my teeth in one of these sweet sensations. My drink of choice today was a tall skinny vanilla latte. I love vanilla favored coffee and decided it was about time I test one out. As I waited for my drink, I explored the shelves of Starbucks goodies being sold. There were fun things on the shelf like a bottle of Starbucks caramel syrup, mini London espresso mugs and a variety of other mugs and cups. Luckily, my drink was ready before I decided to purchase everything on the shelf because it was all too cute, especially the espresso mugs. I was quite exited when my drink was ready because I have been craving a vanilla latte. I have provided you with a video of me taking my first sip and telling all about it. I can honestly say it was a phenomenal drink. The coffee flavor came through far more than vanilla lattes that I have had before. The sweetness of the drink was perfect and different from that of a traditional vanilla latte. I still think that the milk here adds a special sweetness to the coffee that U.S. milk does not. I thought it was a great drink and I think you can tell from the video. :)

Friday, June 18, 2010

Flat White

This morning I ventured out at Starbucks and tried a new drink. At each coffee shop that I have visited in the UK I have noticed an item on the menu of which I know nothing. This mysterious "flat white" as it's called sparked my curiosity from day one. I decided that today would be the day to try it. Before ordering, I asked the barista what this mystery coffee consisted of. The answer to this question is contained in the video below. I think you will see from my reaction, this drink is not something that I am used to. I am however, glad that I tried it and will definitely order it again in the future. As you will notice, the cup that the flat white comes in is smaller than the size tall. Because of this, the collar is too big for the cup. This is an issue that was not a huge deal but did make holding on to the cup a bit challenging. This Starbucks shop was located on Portobello road just before the famous Portobello Market (you can read about this in my other blog Like Java Bean earlier in the week, this shop had some unique wallpaper. The entire shop had a unique feel from the front bar to the back lounge. I have provided some images to help grasp the differences this Starbucks possesses. I would categorize this location as having a bit of a rocker edge to it. Not being from the area, it is hard for me to judge whether or not this is how the local community is or if this Starbucks just happens to be a bit funky. As you can see from the images the furniture and curtains are a bit more worn and vintage looking that what is typically in a Starbucks. I must say, I like the funky look, but I like Starbucks for it upscale classy feel.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Morning Coffee

Here is a glimpse of a routine morning: Starbucks in hand and ready to tackle the day. Cheers!

Katie in St. Louis

This is a video of my friend Katie at the St. Louis airport prior to coming to London. She is discussing what she expected to find at the Starbucks shops in London. We will check back in with her in the next two weeks to see what she thinks about London Starbucks now that she has been to several.

Gloucester Road Starbucks

This morning on my morning commute I went to the Starbucks on Gloucester Road. This Starbucks was quaint and cozy but loaded with goodies. As you can see in the images some of the pastries this Starbucks offered are pain au chocolat, skinny blueberry muffins and chocolate brownies. Each pastry looked quite scrumptious, but I have yet to try one. The first video below is of me receiving my drink this morning. I was trying to be sneaky so that the barista would not see, but I wanted you all to get a taste of what it is like being at Starbucks. The second video that I have posted is an update that I did this morning as soon as I received my grande skinny hazelnut latte. I don't want to ruin the contents of the video, but let me just say I highly recommend ordering that drink, especially in London :). One of my common activities when visiting a Starbucks in the U.S. is to bring my own coffee tumbler. I choose to do this because not only does my drink stay warm longer, but i get my drink for $.10 cheaper. Here in London, Starbucks is running a similar promotion. Instead of $.10 off the drink, bringing in a coffee tumbler will get the customer 25 pence off their drink. This actually turns out to be a better deal when considering the exchange rate. I have yet to take advantage of this great deal, but I'm thinking it will be in my near future. The interior of this Starbucks was quite similar to many in the U.S. as you can tell from this photo, the lighting, counter and menu all look very much the same. I do think however, that this Starbucks was more crowded than any I have been to in the states.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Java Bean Coffee

This morning at the start of my journey I stopped at a coffee shop right off the Tube at Gloucester Road. The coffee shop was called Java Bean. The shop was super cute and very welcoming. Even though the shop was located in a mall-like structure there were bistro tables set up outside the coffee shop. The video that I took will show you what the shop looks like and I think you will enjoy seeing the delicious pastries. Today I chose to order a small skim latte. I had yet to have a latte in London so I decided that today would be the day. As I waited for my drink I began to dream about the lattes from Bread Co. (Panera) and Starbucks. Because these are the lattes I have most often and thoroughly enjoy, I was nervous that Java Bean may not live up to my expectations. When I took the first sip I knew immediately that this was like no latte I had ever had. It took me a while to determine what exactly it was that was different about the drink. The consistency of the coffee was so fluffy and silky like nothing I had ever tasted. It was almost as if there were ribbons of marshmallow cream running through the coffee. Needless to say, this latte definitely lived up to my expectations and I am even craving another. This coffee shop, unlike Costa yesterday, did have collars for the cup. I was happy to have a heat protector on the cup because I was drinking my coffee on the fly and therefore had to hold it. Another aspect of the coffee shop that I enjoyed was the original wallpaper hanging on the wall. Java Bean chose to use coffee bean sacks to hang on the walls. It was such a simple easy thing to do, but it really gave the shop some charm. I wish I could share the wonderful products of Java Bean with you all, but since I cannot how about I enjoy the shop for everyone? :) Have a great one!


Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Greeting Ladies and Gents!

Today I made my first journey to a local coffee chain in the UK. The name of the coffee shop was Costa Coffee. I had seen several Costa locations in the last few days and I knew that I eventually needed to check it out. While at Windsor Station, after touring the Windsor Castle, I decided it was time to find out how the locals "do coffee". I made my way into the shop attempting to keep an open mind, but I couldn't help compare it to my beloved Starbucks. I have provided below the video of my very first trip to this local shop. As I made my way in my initial reaction was how cramped this shop was. I do however need to state that this shop was stuck in with a variety of others and perhaps that is the reason for the close quarters. I will visit other Costa locations before jumping to conclusions. Nonetheless, as I made my way into what resembled a gally kitchen I was blown away by the array of delicious-looking pastries. I chose to order a primo (small) coffee to get the full experience of the coffee taste. Upon receiving the cup I immediately noticed something was missing. This cup did not have a collar like I am used to at Starbucks. The Costa cup had built in heat protection as you will see in the photo. I am sorry to say that this method of heat protection did not live up to my expectations. As I held the cup, my hand began to feel like it was it was burning and I wanted a coffee collar. I was very pleased with my first sip of Costa Coffee but it was super hot! The brew at this shop was a bit more acidic than the coffee I am used to drinking. As I made my way through my drink I grew to like the coffee more and more. I will definitely be trying other local shops to see how they compare. My first non-Starbucks trip was overall a good one minus the hot cup. I'll be back tomorrow!


Monday, June 14, 2010

The Basement

This morning my journey to Starbucks consisted of two separate trips. I went to the one next to my flat and then proceeded to the shop by Dr. Barb's flat. The shop nearest me has a staircase in the middle that I hadn't explored until today. My mission for the morning was to determine what the wide wooden staircase led to. I took a video of this exploration so that you could all join in the journey. As you can see, the stairs led to a very large basement loaded with plush seating and bistro tables. I have yet to discover a Starbucks in the states with such ornate accommodations. Unfortunately, my excitement about this newly found territory was short lived. My plan for the morning was to use my Starbucks card to access the provided wifi, but was unable to do so in the basement. I decided that this technology glitch was the result of being underground so I headed to the main level. With my over-sized mug in hand, I hauled my computer upstairs with the intentions of posting the video of the basement. To my dismay, the lack of internet was not because of the basement, but rather a "picnic"(problem in chair not in computer-my fault!) or the server was down. Whatever the case, I was not able to access the internet this morning. In addition the the basement tour, I also am sharing a photo that I took at the second Starbucks. This is a photo of the community board of the local offerings of Kensington. I found the information on this board to be relatively similar to what is posted in the U.S. Notice the focus on this board about health and pets. I have noticed that all the locals are in great shape and there are lots of runners on the sidewalks. Dogs are also very popular here as you read in an earlier post about people bringing dogs into Starbucks. Just a fun side note. :) Check back tomorrow!


First Starbucks Visit

Here is a video of the first visit that I made to Starbucks the day that I arrived.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Starbucks Around London

I began my day at Starbucks today. I ordered a grande coffee with room and boy was it delicious. I added a splash of skim milk to fill the extra space in the cup. The slightly sweet milk really adds a nice touch to the fresh brew. The local Starbucks shops here don't brew the typical Pike Place roast, but what they are brewing is a bit stronger. When ordering coffee the barista asks if you would like mint in your coffee. I have yet to try this blend but I will definitely try it soon. I saw a funny sight today while at St. Paul's Cathedral and I have provided the image of it. There was a Starbucks right next to the cathedral and I guess the coffee drinkers couldn't find a "rubbish" bin. This is not entirely surprising because there are very few rubbish bins in London. Apparently these bins are bomb hazards and therefore not readily available. Regardless of the reason, I was excited to see this because it serves as proof that the Brits drink more than tea. That's all for now, check back tomorrow for more.


Saturday, June 12, 2010

My First London Starbucks

Today was the day! I arrived in London this morning only to find a Starbucks located right next to my flat. This is perfect! I quickly headed there for some lunch and a caffeine jolt. I immediately noticed some differences. This particular location seems more like an open air cafe. Both doors of the shop were left open and the cool London breeze was allowed to flow through. When I walked in I selected a wrap for lunch. On the package it gave two price options one price was for "take-away" and the other was for "eat-in". The "take-away" price was almost an entire pound cheaper. I have yet to discover whether the extra cost for "eat-in" is to discourage customers from staying or if it helps pay the workers who clean up the shop. Needless to say, on a college student's budget, I chose the "take-away" option. Starbucks heated my wrap and I was able to walk right back to my flat to enjoy it. The addition of such food offerings and price differences were not the only differences noted today. I ordered a skinny cafe misto which consists on half skim milk and half black coffee. The skim milk was like nothing I had ever tasted. It was slightly sweet, extra smooth and overly delicious. My friends who are not huge coffee fans couldn't believe how tasty it was. Whether this extra yummy taste was due to our over-tiredness or a truly better product, it was good nonetheless. Another funny site at Starbucks today was that people bring their dogs inside the cafe. I could not believe my eyes when I looked over and a cute pooch was sitting on the floor looking up at me. I think this is great! The Brits seem to really love their dogs and I love the fact that they include them in everything they do, including the morning coffee. Tomorrow I will continue my explorations so I hope you will continue to follow me!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

What about Starbucks in Peru

Here is a video of a friend of mine talking about a visit he made to a Starbucks store last summer. I think you will find the video both informative and entertaining. Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Beginning of the Journey

London is just days away and I can already smell the wonderful aroma from the various Starbucks shops in London. As I await my departure, I am dreaming about what coffee will be like in the UK. Will it taste the same? Will it be stronger than in the States? Most importantly, will Starbucks offer nonfat milk to top off my daily caffeine jolt? I will soon know the answers to these very crucial questions and I cannot wait to share them. During my three-week journey I plan to visit as many Starbucks shops as I can to get the full experience of an overseas Starbucks. In addition to visiting Starbucks, I will venture to local coffee shops to discover how the Brits run a coffee cafe. I am intrigued by the thought of a coffee shop amongst all the tea drinkers and it will be interesting to compare and contrast the UK coffee shops with that of the U.S. shops. I anticipate that the number of locally run coffee shops will be substantially less in London than what is typical in the States, but I may be pleasantly surprised. :) As I go about my journey, I will be snapping photos and taking video of my findings. I am planning to post some interviews with people about Starbucks and coffee in general in "the world of tea". I hope that you all are as excited about this journey as I am and want you to check back in a few short days to begin this adventure.

Bye for now,